Wednesday, March 31, 2010


And God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM and WHAT I AM, and I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE; and He said, You shall say this to the Israelites; I AM has sent me to you!

Exodus 3:14 (Amplified Bible)

I am in awe of Him today. I am in awe of His creation. I am in awe of His relentless love for each individual person. I am in awe of all of it. How does a God who fashioned all of existence through the furthest reaches of galaxies yet unknown to us, find it in Himself to know us and love us intimately? I have no earthly idea. And most likely, that’s the very foundation of my lack of understanding—of God.

He is Spirit. He is Truth. He is Life. He is our Salvation, Redeemer, Counselor, Friend, and Father. Let those truths sink in for a moment. In fact, read them again. Speak each one aloud and thank Him for each individual quality of who He is. Oh, there’s so much more. We know from His Word, He is our Healer, our Banner, our Provider. He loves us with eternal love—one that never fails or changes. His Love—agape—isn’t contingent on our behavior, our works, our looks, our station on life, our successes, our joy, or our brokenness. His Love just is. It just is.

And those are the words that fill my very being today. I cannot adequately express them. My awe overpowers my words. Now how do I translate the awe of knowing—intimately—the God of the Universe into an understandable message to reach those within my scope of influence?

And how do you do the same?