Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Construction Zone

A season of change is filtering into a brand new concept... Can't wait to see how this blog unfolds...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tech Break

Starting this weekend, I’ve quieted my world. An easy hush has filtered into my home. I’ve never realized the impact of social media on the “noise” level in my life. My cell phone jingling and vibrating with messages of friends I follow. And make no mistake—they are friends. Those I follow on my cell phone are those I know personally, and “hearing” their voices through effortless technology, is a good way to keep up—to make sure they’re doing well. And if they aren’t, I’m inclined to pray for them. And likewise.

Yet, starting two days ago, I turned off Twitter (on my cell and computer). And I’ve purposely stayed away from Facebook. Truth be told? With the personal stress of recent weeks, I’ve needed friends with “skin on” not unseen voices through my mobile phone and computer. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve received substantial support—prayer and understanding—from many through the social media venue. And I’m grateful.

Yet I needed to quiet the technology buzz in my mind for a couple of reasons:

1) I needed to cast all my cares on the One who loves me most, and I needed to be able to hear Him.

2) I needed to truly speak to my family and friends—and truly hear them in return.

What did we do before the days of social media? How did we keep up with our friends? How did we meaningfully communicate with one another? Have we lost the art of true communication? And if we have, how can we create a kind of communication balance in our lives?

I don’t have any easy answers. I just know I’m taking a tech break. Not because I’m tired of it. Not because I’m no longer interested. But, because I need quiet for a time. You know, so I can hear the still small voice of my Father God. And so I can be more intentional and personal in my relationships.

It’s time, and I’m ready. It won’t be easy. I’ll miss the techno-banter. But a season of quiet never hurt anyone (at least I don’t believe it has). And who knows? Maybe my computer will serve another purpose in a more precise way. Maybe… I’ll begin my writing journey again.


Lord, Your Way, Your Truth, Your Light. Your Will.

I’m listening…

"Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (Ps. 46:10 NIV)

Yes, Lord.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Quiet. I wonder. Are we really listening? Or do we listen for a moment and then wander in the direction of distraction? Are you one of those (like me) who perceive distraction as an invitation to join the cacophony of movement and noise surrounding us? Quiet? I can hardly find that place anymore. And I’d like to, wouldn’t you?
I believe the reason this is on my mind today is because the last two weeks have been so loud. No. Not outwardly so much, though there have been moments of lacked peace. The noise I’m speaking of is inward. My mind has struggled to find quiet. So many needs, so many invitations to fall into distraction, and too much emotion to process at one time. Anything needing accomplishment outside of myself struggles in times like these. I need quiet.
So, like many of you, I choose prayer. I settle in with this verse:

The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV)

As I ponder Zephaniah 3:17, I discover that He first reminds me that He is my Salvation. He is Salvation to all who would receive His Son. I find my thoughts wandering to those who don’t yet know Him and pray they make the choice to make Him theirs. I meditate on His grace, mercy, and great love for all of His creation and cry out on behalf of those who walk apart from Him.

Next, He takes great delight in me. Pondering this portion of Zephaniah 3:17 catapults me into a more personal connection with my Savior. Wow. Truly I am at a lack for words. He delights in me. He delights in you. How can my distracted mind wander from the knowledge that He delights in me? My mind runs rampant with thoughts of what this could possibly mean.

… yet then

Next, He quiets me with His love—perfect Love. And with this, He has my rapt attention. I love Him right back with praise. I wash His feet with my tears and then rise into His embrace. And as He holds me close to His heart, I lean in as close as I can.

Now, I’m listening. Are you?

Do you hear the sweet sound? The sound of His voice? He is rejoicing over you with song. How tender His words. How sweet His embrace. How gentle His love.

… And I am quiet.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


And God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM and WHAT I AM, and I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE; and He said, You shall say this to the Israelites; I AM has sent me to you!

Exodus 3:14 (Amplified Bible)

I am in awe of Him today. I am in awe of His creation. I am in awe of His relentless love for each individual person. I am in awe of all of it. How does a God who fashioned all of existence through the furthest reaches of galaxies yet unknown to us, find it in Himself to know us and love us intimately? I have no earthly idea. And most likely, that’s the very foundation of my lack of understanding—of God.

He is Spirit. He is Truth. He is Life. He is our Salvation, Redeemer, Counselor, Friend, and Father. Let those truths sink in for a moment. In fact, read them again. Speak each one aloud and thank Him for each individual quality of who He is. Oh, there’s so much more. We know from His Word, He is our Healer, our Banner, our Provider. He loves us with eternal love—one that never fails or changes. His Love—agape—isn’t contingent on our behavior, our works, our looks, our station on life, our successes, our joy, or our brokenness. His Love just is. It just is.

And those are the words that fill my very being today. I cannot adequately express them. My awe overpowers my words. Now how do I translate the awe of knowing—intimately—the God of the Universe into an understandable message to reach those within my scope of influence?

And how do you do the same?