Morning breaks, sun bursts through and over, filling all the dark places. I race for my camera, a gift from the one I love. I race to capture the moment of breakthrough. Moment of awakening. No time for shoes, so feet bare and tender, cry for covering, But no time. I race into the awakening as I am.
But when anything is exposed and reproved by the light, it is made visible and clear; and where everything is visible and clear there is light. Therefore He says, Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine (make day dawn) upon you and give you light. Ephesians 5:13-14 (Amplified)
Blessings flow as I read your post! Love you dear sister and excited to pray on the journey with you.
I love to see how God is using the visual to lead you. I can't wait to see where your photography is even in six months, my guess, off the charts. Love it!
When God and I shoot together, I call it dancing. :) I find new things to shoot or look at things in a new way. Discovery is such a joy!
Carla... Love you too, Sisterfriend. You are such a dear encourager to me. Thank you for your sweet spirit and your prayers. To God be ALL the glory!
Tonya... This is all SO new to me. I've always loved looking at beautiful photography, yours especially, but I never thought I'd be "dancing" like this. I can't wait to discover more...
Dearest Sharen,
When I read your authentic words, having watched on the sidelines your voice and authenticity bloom, my eyes teared.
Thank you for the invitation and reminder to linger. Your words illicit the strength of your abiding. This has been a season of intense work for me, and it hasn't come to an end yet. Caring for four aging parents (living near us, an aside blessing) has only allowed abiding in small increments of time. However, as you state, when they are eternal moments -- so uncanny how they are outside this world's system of time. I'm fed nourishment from God's own hand that sustains me.
Even during this intense time of "bowing the knee", blessing others, God gave me sharing words. I'll send you a comp copy when they arrive.
Your voice "bows the knee" to others, blesses. Thank you.
There's no place like home, in His courts.
Precious Cathy,
Your words always encourage me. Your sister-friendship blesses me beyond words. Do you know how thankful I am to have you in my life's journey? Please know how much I appreciate you.
Prayers for you and your four parents, as you care for needs abundantly. I know this has been a long season for you. Ah, but the blessing God has in store...
And I can't wait to receive a copy of your book when it comes in. Thank you for thinking of me.
OH, and Cathy, each Christmas season, I think of you when I bring out my copy of your beautiful book. It has a special place just below a small light on an accessible shelf. Very much a part of our Christmas tradition.
"Bowing the knee" with you, dear sisterfriend. And grateful to be on my knees.
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