Thursday, January 27, 2011

Breath of God

Breath. The very source of life in the here, the now, the present. The key to existence in this world. Sighs of contentment, breathless joy of surprise and wonder, and gasps that take our breath away, each fulfill purpose of expression. Breath sustains, this breath gift.

And there is God-breath:

But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding. Job 32:8 (NIV)

Eyes closed, I inhale deep. Desirous of understanding all that God wills. Like new birth, He breathes life anew.


Donna said...

Breathing deeply with you...

dwanreed said...

I thank God for allowing us to be reborn - to turn from past mistakes and start anew.

Sharen Watson said...

Donna... Feels wonderful, doesn't it?

Sharen Watson said...

Dwan... Ever so humbly, me too.